Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals &

Garden of Memory 





Baptism is more than just a little water on your head.

It’s three big splashes that can change your life! 

If you’re baptizing a child, this is a moment to bring together family, godparents, and friends. It’s a moment to celebrate the enormous truth that your little one is a beloved child of God who can never be separated from God’s love. And it may be a moment for you to find your own way back to church or even to find your very first community of faith.

If you’re an adult, baptism is a way of defining yourself as God created you, setting intentions for your spiritual development, and committing yourself to Jesus’ path of love, forgiveness, and service. If you’re new to the faith, baptism is a blessing we have waiting here for you. It’s the very best gift we know how to give, when you’re feeling ready for it.

At Glen Ridge Congregational Church, baptisms are a community event performed at 10 AM worship and we schedule Baptism Sundays a few times each year. If you’re interested in learning more about baptism for yourself or your child, please contact Pastor Rusty Eidmann-Hicks at or 973-746-5593, Ext. 16.


People searching for a new spiritual home frequently go seeking at times of big life transition.

And there are few transitions quite so momentous, tumultuous, and joyful as your wedding day.

If you’re looking for a church home that can also help you to pull off your big day, GRCC has a Senior Minister who’s done more than 30 unique and personalized wedding ceremonies for all kinds of couples—black folks, white folks, interracial weddings, straight folks, gay folks, trans folks, second marriages, blended family ceremonies, and interfaith ceremonies—he’s done it all!

We also have a Minister of Music who will help bring art and song to every aspect of your ceremony—not just the walk down the aisle.

If you’re from out of town, another area church, or you’re looking more for a venue rental than a church home, our beautiful church sanctuary and functional church hall are available for rental. All rentals of the sanctuary must use the services of our Minister of Music. For rental inquiries please contact our Church Administrator at


If you’re planning a funeral or memorial service, you or your funeral director should be in touch with our church staff by calling 973-743-5596 or by emailing our Church Administrator Alicia Harrison at or our Senior Minister, Jeff Mansfield, at



Garden of Memory 

The Garden of Memory at Glen Ridge Congregational Church is a final resting place for the ashes of our past and present members and their close associates. It’s also a beautiful, open garden full of flowering plants, shrubs, and trees. You’re always welcome to visit the garden to smell the blossoms, to meditate on the big stone bench, or to pray on the grass.

If you’re a member of the church and you’re considering purchasing a resting space in the Garden of Memory, be in touch with our Church Administrator or Senior Minister.


If you wish to make a memorial gift or donation, kindly click here to access our Giving page.  Kindly note the name of the person you are honoring or remembering.