How to Make Pledge Payments or Other Gifts
The Church does not specify how much an individual should give, but we hope each person will give what they can and increase that amount as they are able.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
Payment Options
You can make your payments to GRCC in any of the following ways:
Credit or debit card
(through Venmo, PayPal and - see Electronic Giving at the right)
Bank transfer
(through Venmo, PayPal and or directly from your bank account like you would for any automatic bill paying)
Cash or check
Appreciated stock/IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution
Automatic Recurring Payments:
You can set up your credit card, debit card or bank transfer payments to automatically process on a recurring basis (for example, monthly) to make sure your payments are made on a timely basis, especially when you are away.
Please Note: If you made arrangement through your bank to have your pledge payments come automatically from your bank account, your current commitment will continue into the next year unless you contact your bank to change the amount beginning in January.
Other Payment Information
Cash or Check Please make sure your name and address are on the cash envelope or your check, as well as the reason for your payment or gift so it can be recorded appropriately. Your gifts can be placed in the weekly worship offering plate or they may be mailed to the church at the address shown above.
Appreciated Stock/IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution Stocks or other securities, as well as IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions, are welcome gifts. For more information, contact a member of the Finance Ministry through the church office.
Electronic Giving
Simple electronic giving through Venmo, PayPal and
@GR-Cong-Church (name on account is Pam Figlar: Finance Ministry Chair)
Our payment vendor,, not only provides an easy and secure way for you to give electronically via credit card, debit card or ACH bank transfer, but you can set up automatically recurring payments. provides the following ways to access their payment service:
Mobile App: Download the free app from the iTunes or Google Play stores.
Online: Use the link below to access the e-giving form from your PC or laptop.
Estate Planning
Please consider including the Glen Ridge Congregational Church in your estate planning. If you would like information about planned giving to GRCC, please contact the church office.
Thank You for Your Generosity!