Glen Ridge Choral Society

The Community Chorus of Glen Ridge, NJ, the Choral Society, rehearses most Thursday evenings between September and April. Rehearsals are from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m., running longer the closer it gets to concert time!
Members are encouraged to join for the entire season, but may choose to participate in select concerts during the season. Additional bonus rehearsals are offered to choir members in preparation for each concert.
Minister of Music .................................Thomas Mustachio
Music Committee ................................Deborah Brandell
New members are always welcome! Previous choral experience and an ability to read music are highly desirable.
For further information contact Music Director,
Thomas Mustachio:
Phone: 973-743-5596
The first rehearsal of the new season is Thursday, September 8th, 8 to 9 p.m. in the Blue Room at Glen Ridge Congregational Church, 195 Ridgewood Avenue.