Glen Ridge Congregational Church

An Open and Affirming Congregation of the

United Church of Christ

195 Ridgewood Avenue

Glen Ridge, NJ 07028

(973) 743-5596 



Join us every Sunday at 10 am for worship.





All are welcome! 

Be a part of our Christian Community!

Wherever you are in your life and your faith journey, we invite you to be a part of our church fellowship. We are an active, community-oriented church located at the corner of Ridgewood Avenue and Clark Street in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. We welcome you to participate in all our church activities. Membership is not required! 

We have something for everyone! We offer children's Sunday School programs, youth group, and Adult education programs, baptisms (at any age) and confirmations, fellowship and service opportunities, as well as choral and handbell choirs for children and adults. Our mission and outreach, ministries, and intergenerational events provide everyone here the opportunity to grow in their faith while serving the Church and outside community. 



Children & Youth


Announcements & Events

Dear Friends at GRCC,

    Tragically, we’ve been witnessing the utter devastation of the wildfires in Los Angeles with horror and compassion for the victims.  Many of us know or have loved ones affected by the fires.  One of the twelve churches destroyed in the fire was a sister church, Altadena Community UCC.  We feel called to help in some way.


Our denomination, the United Church of Christ has a Disaster Relief fund that has been active in the recovery effort.  They have partnered with Global H.O.P.E..  The Global HOPE team is helping to connect Southern California and Nevada Conference staff, churches, and others affected by the wildfires with immediate resources while also preparing to support long-term recovery efforts.  And they are partnering with other church organizations and congregations to offer emergency supplies.  (Giving through church organizations ensures local outreach and low administrative costs.)  


    You can give through our church using any of the regular methods (check,, Venmo, PayPal, which you can access through this link on our website  Please include in the comments / memo line “Disaster Relief / LA Fires” so we know to forward the contribution to the UCC Disaster Relief fund.  


You can also click here to give online directly through the UCC website.


Thank you for your generosity and concern.  
    In Christ,

    Rev. Rusty Eidmann-Hicks

An additional giving opportunity is being coordinated by our sister church, First Congregational in Montclair.  New children's pajamas can be dropped off at the  church through this Sunday, January 19th . 


40 South Fullerton Ave., Montclair, NJ 07042.

 ‭(973) 744-4856‬‬

Announcements & Events